Make your planning for college clear and achievable with Mapt, your college planning companion. Whether youre a freshman exploring possibilities or a senior tackling applications, Mapt helps high school students and their families navigate the college admissions journey with confidence.
Key Features
-- Personal College Application Roadmap and Timeline:
Create a step-by-step plan from freshman to senior year. Know exactly what to do and when to do it, from starting passion projects to submitting applications. Our interactive checklists keep you on track and celebrate your progress.
-- Smart College List Builder
Build a balanced list of reach, match, and safety schools that fit your unique goals. Compare colleges side by side, track application deadlines, and organize your options all in one place.
-- Self-Discovery Tools
Learn more about yourself through engaging assessments and guided journals. Match your interests and strengths to college majors, explore career paths, and develop the confidence to make informed decisions about your future.
-- 24/7 Support with Deci
Meet Deci, your friendly college planning companion. Get immediate answers to your questions about applications, essays, financial aid, and more – any time you need guidance.
-- Family Collaboration
Keep parents in the loop with shared access to your college planning progress. Work together more effectively with clear visibility into deadlines, tasks, and important milestones.